Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Anyone know alternatives to cutting hedgehog nails?

Nothing I do seems to work. Sonic (my hedgehog) refuses to get his nails cut. When I try all I get is a growl and lots of quills. Any suggestions? I know that we're supposed to go to the vet's for help, but I can't afford it right now. Help?Anyone know alternatives to cutting hedgehog nails?
Put Sonic on concrete or lay rough sandpaper in his hutch. Anyone know alternatives to cutting hedgehog nails?
I hope Sonic is a happy hedgehog. Thanks.

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Many people suggest putting a brick in the cage in an attempt to file the nails down to a healthy length. Unfortunately, some hedgehogs will just avoid the brick and not benefit from it in any way. Another option is lining the wheel with sandpaper, which also delivers mixed results. Some will run and keep their nails short with no negative effects, but others will run their feet raw. If you do take this route, you must ensure that you can inspect his/her feet on a daily basis to make sure that no injury occurs.

I would not strongly recommend these just for the reason that there is a great deal of risk involved. What I would suggest is getting a friend to help you. Scruff your hedgie by pulling the skin on his back inwards towards the shoulder blades, getting the 'scruff' of skin similarly to how a mother cat would carry her kittens. It takes a bit of practice to do it right, but this will prevent your hedgie from rolling into a ball and leaves his/her feet at easy access for your friend to trim them.

Good luck!!

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