Monday, May 10, 2010

Is there a way to make nails grow faster?

i always seem to bite mine when i get nervous so i recently cut them. they're growing back fairly quickly and i'm trying to stop my nervous habit. is there a way to stop biting them? how can i get them to grow quicker?Is there a way to make nails grow faster?
Both me and my fiance have been notorious nail biters our entire lives. It was easier for me to stop biting than it was for him. I started off biting the skin around the nails, but not the actual nails... then I went to 'cleaning' the underside of the nails with my teeth, just to have the nail in my mouth without actually biting it... then I just sort of slipped to having my nail in my mouth without doing anything to it, then I just stopped. Its easier if you cut back before simply trying to stop. My fiance did it by starting to tap his fingers on things, or against each other, and that sort of kept his hands busy so they weren't in his mouth. Eventually he stopped biting as well. A friend of his told him to just visualize how he wanted his hands to look, and he wanted to stop bad enough that he just did.... lol As far as making them grow faster, there isn't much for that, but you can keep them strong by painting them with a clear polish that has strengthening qualities to it, the bottle will say ';Strengthening'; or something similar on the label. Something else that did it for me... If I had my nails done (manicure and nicely painted) I wouldn't bite at them because they looked nice... hehe Anyway, good luck.Is there a way to make nails grow faster?
lol no unless u want to use like Human Growth Hormones (which is obiously illeagal) nails grow 1/150 in. a day ( or around there) theres a substance u can buy at stores where u put it on your nails and it tastes discusting thats how i stopped biting mine
no, just find a hobby that keeps your hands away from your mouth, knitting, sewing, painting, or start cleaning the loo without rubber gloves that will make sure you keep your hands away from your mouth, lol
Take vitamins A, C and E and zinc and calcium.
  • skin
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