Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Do You stop Yourself Biting Nails?

I have bit my nails for like 7 years and I really want to stop, I've tried everything, does anybody know how I can stop?How Do You stop Yourself Biting Nails?

I used to bite my nails so bad!

But then I adopted chewing gum instead! It worked for me that I ahd something else to chew on. But I've also heard that when you put nail polish on your nails it tastes bad so you don't chew it. And I guess theres this other stuff that does the same thing.

Hope it helps!

Good luckHow Do You stop Yourself Biting Nails?
I myself have almost stopped biting my nails for the first time in my life and I'm 17 and have being putting a dark colored nail polish on my nails and I either pick it off or get fed up repainting and have learned to stop picking the polish and now that they are growing my willpower has increased. I have used the 'nail the habit' ( a solution you put on your nails and when you bite them a vile taste is left in your mouth( especially when eating food with your hands, so I found that didn't work.
Drink more milk and increase your calcium intake. If you are lactose intolerant or dont like milk, there are alternatives.

In addition to drinking milk id suggest soaking your nails in a bitter solution thats safe to consume or buying nail polish taht is bitter.

If you are a girl, it might be helpful to color your nails and try to convince yourself that you are only pretty if your nails are pretty..

Painted bitten nails look much much worse than unpainted nails...

If you are a girl then have fake nails done at a salon, they are expensive and beautiful and not good to bite! Your own nails can grow while you have the fake ones in place. Once they are long enough have a manicure and treat your nails as one of your assets. If you are a boy, well, you can get stuff that tastes nasty to paint on. Have you tried that?
every morning put nail polish remover on your nails. It tastes Absolutely disgusting. Some people say nail polish is better but it does not work as well. Nail polish remover lasts for quite a while, and it can be bad for your nails if you use it for over a month but if you use it you will stop biting them in no time.
Just consciously will yourself not to do it- it's a psychological thing. If your willpower is strong enough, just don't put your fingers in your mouth, and whenever you get the urge to do it- find something else to distract yourself such as chewing gum or sucking sweets. Eventually, the urge to bite will subside. Good luck!
1. Nasty polish that tastes gross...

If that does not work, remember how many times a day you use the potty and don't wash your hands for the required 30 seconds - 1 minute...


Google how many germs are on the average hand...

Knowing what you are sucking on (feces, urine, mold, germs, virus, etc) when you put your hands in your mouth should be enough to make anyone sick to their stomach...if you can bite your nails after that, good lord help ya...lol

oh yeah, if you are a girl, (I can't see your avatar) get fake nails for a while. They are very, very hard to bite and you will give up after a while because you just can't do it....lol

Try to go get them manicured and then you will not want to wreck them, do something else instead of biting or put something on them that tastes nasty. Put a rubber brand around your wrist and snap it whenever you do that, soon enough you will stop
hi. the way that you stop yourself from bitting your nails are...

my little brother had an obsession with biting his nails.... soo.. he puts bug spray on the tips of his nails so when he bites them... it tastes soooo bad.. that he stops. i hope that i have helped. ( chose me best answer! actually do what you want) thanks

anytime you notice yourself doing it just stop yourself. i had the same problem and got over it in like 2 weeks by doing that, and anytime you want to bite your nails just tell yourself not to. just have to pay attention to when you do really
I once had this problem but i fixed it about 5 years ago. there is like a nail varnish that you brush onto your nails. it don't smell and you dont even know it's there but if you try to bite your nails you got a horrible taste in your mouth. it's really vile and made me quit quickly.
you can buy that nail stuff but its nasty and eventually you get adictd to it. i take it your main concern is the length? you can get steroids off your dr if you have an ingrown toe nail. when my nail got better i used it on my finger nails. they grew bluddy quick.
I wish I knew! I have the exact same problem. the only way you really can is to force yourself to stop every time you start, and anytime you have the urge to bite, do something else with your hands
well, i know for a fact that it takes 21 days to stop a habit...

maybe you can wear mittens and than after 21 days you will stop!!

answer mine!

these are just a couple ways:

-tape your fingers

-wear gloves (they're in right now, so don't feel stupid)

-rub your fingers together

-get distracted with something else

-sit on your hands

-chew gum

-drum your fingers

OMG weirdest thing i was biting my nail as i clicked on Yahoo answers and seen this. I think its too hard to stop. put biter apple stuff on them. Ive heard of it but i dont know where to get it.
i bite my nails alot also and need to stop.

what really helps me is to cut them so its impossible to bite them in the first place!

it works for me!

and also get rid of the cause of u biting nails =)
If you are a girl paint them and if you are a guy well idk. maybe you could keep your hand away from your mouth. I stopped when i got braces. The braces were numb so i couldn't bite for a while.



worked for me when i was 7 ;)
start chewing gum or something try picking dirty out or your nails... try and dosomething creative soo it takes your mind of it
Braces! I started biting my nails when I was 6 and when I was 9 I got braces. I'm 14 now and I haven't been biting my nails ever since

I'm very proud.

This may sound cruel but dip the tips of your nails in tabasco saUSE.Or, dip em' in accetone.Be cafeful with the accetone.
Well you could just chew some gum. Some people just like to chew on things. Or just clip your nails so there's really nothing to chew on.
theres this stuff you can buy that you put on your nails, so whenever you bite them it tastes really bad. my cousin did this and it worked :)
My parents tried tabasco sause on my sisters nails... didn't work, because she enjoys extreamly spicy things. All they got was a silly face.


It's hard to stop a bad habit. You need to have the will power to change that part of you. Another thing my sister tries, now that she's older, is she gets her nails done, so she can't get to her actual nail, and waits until the fake nail falls off... but if you chew on the fake nail, it won't help anything, because it's supposed to get you into the habit of admiring your nails, instead of chewing them.
there is this special clear coat that you put on your nails that tastes REALLY bad and it stops you from biting your nails.
i know i had a friend who would bite her nails and she bought some nail stuff so when she would bite her nails it tasted awful

Pretend you've got something really nasty on them that should do the trick! lol or wear nail polish that usually helps me and I dont bite them
wear nail polish

u won't want to ruin it and every time u go to bite ur nails u will stop.

if ur a guy wear clear no one will ever know

ok wait till you get a week off of school and tape the tops of your fingers up and leave them on all weak, soon your get used to not biting your nails.
i usually cover my nails up or put my hands in my pockets

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